Rydmet Carbide Cemented Carbide has printed the Envelopes for Documentation of its Exported Tungsten Carbide, Cemented Carbide; Carbide Burrs; Rotative Limes, Carbide Rods; Carbide Blanks, and Carbide Wear parts.
Rydmet Carbide is able to make Co10% Submicro Grain Carbide Rods with Weldon Shank for Solid Carbide Cutting Tools in bulk quanity.....we can make the Size
Rydmet Carbide (China) has developed a New Generation of Carbide Burs that are free of rust risk in the shanks
Rydmet Carbide People (China) has sucessfully developed a thin wall ( 0.25 mm thickness) Miniature Carbide Sleeves/Bushings for its clients overseas, the Outer Diameter of the Carbide Sleeve is just 4.5 mm and the inner hole is 4.0 mm, that is the wall thickness is just 0.25 mm.
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